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Dr. Wu Lien-teh's 142nd Birthday

2021年3月10日 Dr. Wu Lien-teh's 142nd Birthday

2021年3月10日 Dr. Wu Lien-teh's 142nd Birthday



   为了抗击这种疾病,Wu设计并生产了一种特殊的外科口罩,用棉和纱布制成,并增加了几层布来过滤吸入物。他建议人们戴上新发明的口罩,并与政府官员合作建立隔离站和医院,限制出行,并采用渐进式消毒技术。 1911年4月,在领导控制疫情蔓延的四个月之内,他的领导对这场大流行(被称为满洲瘟疫)的终结做出了巨大贡献。

   1915年,吴创立了中国最大,最古老的民间医学组织中华医学会。 1935年,他以控制肺炎鼠疫的工作而获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖提名的第一位马来西亚人和第一位华裔。吴博士是医学进步的坚定倡导者和实践者,他的努力不仅改变了中国的公共卫生,而且改变了整个世界的公共卫生。


Today’s Doodle celebrates the 142nd birthday of Chinese-Malaysian epidemiologist Dr. Wu Lien-teh, who invented a surgical face covering that is widely considered the precursor to the N95 mask.

Born into a family of Chinese immigrants in Penang, Malaya (modern-day Malaysia) on this day in 1879, Wu went on to become the first student of Chinese descent to earn his MD from Cambridge University. Following his doctoral studies, he accepted a position as the vice director for China's Imperial Army Medical College in 1908. When an unknown epidemic afflicted north-western China in 1910, the Chinese government appointed Wu to investigate the disease, which he identified as the highly contagious pneumonic plague that spread from human to human through respiratory transmission.

To combat the disease, Wu designed and produced a special surgical mask with cotton and gauze, adding several layers of cloth to filter inhalations. He advised people to wear his newly invented mask and worked with government officials to establish quarantine stations and hospitals, restrict travel, and apply progressive sterilization techniques; his leadership contributed greatly to the end of the pandemic (known as the Manchurian plague) by April 1911—within four months of being tasked with controlling its spread.

In 1915, Wu founded the Chinese Medical Association, the country’s largest and oldest non-governmental medical organization. In 1935, he was the first Malaysian—and the first person of Chinese descent–nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work to control the pneumonic plague. A devoted advocate and practitioner of medical advancement, Wu’s efforts not only changed public health in China but that of the entire world.

Happy birthday to the man behind the mask, Dr. Wu Lien-teh!

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