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欧仁·普贝尔诞辰 190 周年

谷歌涂鸦 2021年4月15日 欧仁·普贝尔诞辰 190 周年

2021年4月15日 欧仁·普贝尔诞辰 190 周年

Today’s Doodle celebrates Eugène Poubelle, the French lawyer, administrator, and diplomat credited with revolutionizing Paris’s waste management system in the late 19th century. Never afraid to get his hands dirty, Poubelle is forever immortalized in the French word for the trash can: la poubelle.


Born in Caen, France on this day in 1831, Eugène René Poubelle earned a law degree and began his career as a professor before transitioning into public service. In 1883, he was appointed prefect of the Seine, and he soon came to the conclusion that Paris needed to clean up its act. 


In 1884, Poubelle decreed that Parisian landlords were required to install large, covered receptacles for their tenants’ household trash, and—far ahead of his time—he even mandated three separate bins to facilitate recycling. In 1890, la poubelle was officially inducted into the French dictionary as the term for “garbage can.”


But Poubelle didn’t stop there. Following a severe cholera outbreak in 1892, he also required all buildings to be connected directly to the city’s sewers, another huge step in the name of urban hygiene. Poubelle’s mandates also catalyzed the development of household waste removal vehicles, early versions of which came in the form of horse-drawn carriages. With the advent of the first automobiles, these prototypical garbage trucks evolved into motorized vehicles in 1897; by the dawn of the 20th-century, this sanitation technology cleared the path for garbage collection to become commonplace not just in French urban centers but nationwide. 


Thank you, Eugène Poubelle, for refusing to let your visionary ideas be thrown out!


今天的Doodle庆祝了法国律师,行政人员和外交官EugènePoubelle,他因在19世纪后期革新了巴黎的废物管理系统而倍受赞誉。永远不要害怕弄脏自己的双手,Poubelle在法语中永远代表着永恒的垃圾桶:la poubelle。

EugèneRenéPoubelle于1831年的这一天出生于法国卡昂,获得了法律学位并开始了他的教授生涯,然后转变为公共服务。 1883年,他被任命为塞纳河省长,他很快得出结论,巴黎需要清理其行为。

1884年,鲍勃勒(Poubelle)颁布法令,要求巴黎房东为租户的生活垃圾安装大而有盖的容器,而且,他甚至还委托三个单独的垃圾箱以方便回收。 1890年,la poubelle被正式引入法语词典中,成为“垃圾桶”的称呼。

但是Poubelle并未止步于此。在1892年霍乱严重爆发后,他还要求所有建筑物都直接连接到城市的下水道,这是城市卫生的又一大进步。 Poubelle的命令还促进了家用废物清除车的发展,该车的早期版本以马车的形式出现。随着第一批汽车的问世,这些原型垃圾车于1897年演变为机动车辆。到20世纪初,这种卫生技术为垃圾收集扫清了道路,不仅在法国的城市中心而且在全国范围内都变得普遍起来。


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