如果查出的译法不止一种,选择常用的一种(把不同的中文名称分别输入Google查找,哪个hits多,哪个就更常用),但最常用的也可能不是最好的,所以还要依据自己的判断,如,要查找缅甸反对党领袖Aung San Suu Kyi的中文译名,可以在Google搜索框里输入Aung San Suu Kyi,点击搜索所有中文网页,可以看到有基本上有三种译法:昂山淑姬、翁山苏姬、昂山素季。如果只有一种,自然没有选择余地;现在出现了三种,就要决定使用哪一个。你可以把三种译名分别输入搜索框,点击搜索简体中文网页(“所有中文网页”中包含港澳台和海外中文网页),看哪个hits多。结果发现:昂山淑姬有610项,翁山苏姬有186项,昂山素季有5620项。从数量上来看,应当使用“昂山素季”。如果你要进一步确保该译法与我国外交部的译法一致,则要看有关文章是否中国官方媒体的文章。检查结果是肯定的。
……地图信息咨询. Dear sir: Thank you very much for your web and it is very well organized. Congratulations! We are from Matteo Ricci (Li Madou in Chinese) Institute in Italy. ... Best wishes. Filippo Mignini…
如,要查日本首相“小泉纯一郎”和“靖国神社”的英文说法,你可以在Google搜索框里输入Japanese prime minister visit war criminal China Korea protest;如要查澳门特首何厚铧的英文拼法,可以查Macao special administrative region chief Ho.
我又用相关关键词法查了多次,也猜了数种拼法,但均未查到。后来在搜索框里输入“Sussex university development institute”,找到研究所网页,在网页的Bookshop下,发现
Gender Mainstreaming in Poverty Eradication and the Millennium Developing Goals: A Handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders, Published by the Commonwealth Secretariat, By Naila Kabeer
中文网页查不到这一人名,这时可以输入“danish economist women role economic development”,人名和准确的著作名一下子便可以找到:
…In 1970, Ester Boserup, a Danish economist, wrote a book (Women's Role in economic Development) showing that women's work had been ignored or underestimated by…
《中国居民收入分配再研究》, ---赵人伟、李实、卡尔·李思勤著----中国财政经济出版
中的人名“卡尔·李思勤”,用其他方法搜索不出来,可以输入“zhao renwei li shi”,人名和著作名一下子便找到了:
…S Bj?rn Gustafsson & Li Shi "Is China Becoming More Unequal?" pages 212 - 252 in Zhao, Renwei, Li Shi & Carl Riskin (Eds) Re-study on Income Distribution of Chinese Households
Caroline Moser …and social capital, social protection, human rights and sustainable livelihoods and mainstreaming gender into development practice. Caroline recently moved to…
但对于一些小地名,查找起来确实不易,比如,有一次我翻译“越南义安省义禄县义莲社”,是这样查的:在中文网页查到了义安省的拼法Nghe An,通过Nghe An找到了该省的网站,通过网站查到了Nghi Loc District.
在Google中输入以下关键词:World bank rights resources equality development,得到的第一条结果就是:
Engendering Development - Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice is a Policy Research Report by the World Bank focusing on gender issues and…
如,输入“劳动和社会保障部”,便可以看到“简介: Ministry of Labour and Social Security, PRC”。
如,查找“英国萨赛克斯大学发展学研究所”,可以输入“Sussex university development institute”,一下子便可以找到“Welcome to the Institute of Development Studies”。不敢肯定的关键词不要输入。
再比如,翻译Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department。这是一个香港政府机构,所以,必定有现成的中文名字,不能随意翻译。用Google搜索,就可以找到该机构的网页,中文是:地政总署测绘处。
There are mainly 5 types of incarcerating institutions: 1) prisons; 2) reform-through-labor institutions, in which criminals are sentenced to a minimum of 1 year fixed-term imprisonment; 3) reform house for juvenile delinquents; 4) Juyi house (criminal detention house), which houses offenders sentenced to criminal detention; and the 5) Kanshou house (detention house), which houses offenders awaiting trial.
(c) Upon receipt of the request for consultations, China agreed to hold its shipments to the requesting Member of textile or textile products in the category or categories subject to these consultations to a level no greater than 7.5 per cent (6 per cent for wool product categories) above the amount entered during the first 12 months of the most recent 14 months preceding the month in which the request for consultations was made.
如,要查中华人民共和国刑法第141条,只需要输入 China “criminal law” “article 141” ,便可以很快找到。