"Apollo" the airship by Command module, the service module and the lunarexcursion module 3 parts is composed.
1. Command module - astronaut in flight life and work cabin, also is theentire airship control center. Command module is the cone, the height 3.2meters, heavy approximately 6 tons. Command module divides the forecastle,the astronaut cabin and the rear cockpit 3 parts. In the forecastlelays aside the landing part, the recovery system and the attitudecontrol engine and so on. The astronaut cabin is an airtight cabin,has lives 14 day-long essential items for the astronaut and the lifepreserver. The rear cockpit internal installation has 10 attitudecontrol engine, each kind of instrument and tank, but also has theattitude control, the guidance guidance system as well as the shipcarries the computer and the radio subsystem and so on.
2. The service module - front end with Command module docking, rear end hasthe propulsion system master motor nozzle. The cabin body is thecircle tubular, is high 6. 7 meters, diameter 4 meters, heavyapproximately 25 tons. The master motor uses in the track shift andchanges the axle to be mobile. The attitude control system is composedby 16 rocket engines, they also use in the airship to separate, thelunar excursion module with the three-stage rocket and Command moduledocking and Command module and the service module separation and so on.
3. The lunar excursion module - degrades by under with on promotes iscomposed, when ground takeoff weight 14.7 tons, width 4.3 meters, mostgreatly highly approximately 7 meters. (1) Next degrades: By thelanding engine, 4 landings legs and 4 equipment capsule are composed.(2) On promotes: For lunar excursion module main body. After theastronaut completes the month surface activity to drive promotesreturns to the link month track and Command module the juncture. Onpromotes by the astronaut cabin, returns to the engine, the propellant tank, equipment capsule and the control system is composed.Astronaut place; The cabin may hold 2 astronauts (but not to havechair), has equipment and so on navigation, control, correspondence,life safeguard and power source.
4. Moon-landing flight - " Apollo " The 11th airshiprealized the person in July 20-21, 1969 to land on the Moon for thefirst time the ideal. Hereafter, American one after another 6secondary emissions " Apollo " Number airship, 5 successes.Altogether some 12 astronauts land on Moon.
Apollo 11 land the moon ten big discoveries
The scientist indicated that, they very are many to the Moon aswell as the entire solar system's understanding all are by the Apollo11 astronauts confirmed and promulgates, in addition to the Moon rockand the dust research which bring back to also played the very majorrole. NASA in a big way announced the Apollo moon landing project tento discover that,
The Moon is not a primary object
The Moon is has is similar to the earth interior structurewhich gradually evolves becomes "the land planet". Now we knew theMoon is constitutes by the rock. Moreover these rocks have receivedthe varying degree melting, the volcanic eruption as well as themeteorolite collision change unevenly.
The Moon has a very thick surface layer outer covering (60kilometers), a thickness basic consistent lithosphere (the 60~1000kilometer), is deep is again the crag Stratospheric (the 1000~1740kilometer). In the crag 流层 base is possibly a small ferroguinouscore, but this had not confirmed.
The Moon produces the time is very remote
Is same with all land planet, solar system formed afterprevious 1 billion years history to leave behind the deep mark on theMoon. The lunar terrain remains has massively falls the stone quarry.If may determine rock sample the age, then we may act according to onVenus, Mercury and Mars fall the stone quarry information to determineits geological history. Other planets geological pictures also wereallowed according to us the information which obtained from the Moonto carry on explained.
The youngest rock "is older than" the Earth
Initial time, the Moon and Earth possibly receive the similarprocess and the event influence, but these processes and the eventstay behind the trace only has on the Moon can not be able to find.
In the lunar terrain, dark smooth On the sea mostly is some falls thestone quarry, the middle rock is relatively young, the age probably is3.2 billion years. But some uneven in the high ground rock thenrelative is older, the age approximately is 4.6 billion years.
The Moon and the Earth are the close relative
These two photostars are become by common matter according tothe different proportion division.
On the Moon rock and the Earth rock the oxide compound isotopeastonishing similar demonstration, the Moon and the Earth possiblycome from to the identical ancestor. However compares with the Earth,on Moon's iron as well as formed the volatile constituent all failurewhich the atmosphere and the water needed.
On Moon lifeless sign
On the Moon has not been living the organism, the fossil ororiginally produce organic compound.
In the sample test gathers which from the Moon had not found any pastor the present biological sign. Even if the right and wrong biologyorganic compound also cannot find. This possibly is the source thepollution which creates to the meteorolite.
Moon rock after high temperature formation
In these rocks forming processes completely has not nearlyrelated with the water, may sketchy divide into 3 kinds: Basalt,anorthite and breccia. The basalt is one kind of black volcanic rock,mainly distributes in some On the sea in. They are very similar with Earthsea earth's crust lava, but the age must be much older. Anorthite mainly distributes above these ancient high ground, the qualityrelative is lighter. The breccia is other rocks drops in the processafter the meteorolite to crush, the mix congeals becomes.
The early Moon deep place is "the rock magma sea"
The Moon high ground surface includes some early the lowdensity rock, this is drifts in "the rock magma sea" superficial somerock magma remains becomes. The Moon high ground was in about 4.4billion to 4.6 billion years before formed, by drifted superficialsome rock magma congeals in "the rock magma sea" becomes, this part ofearth's crust had several dozens kilometer thick. Falls on thegeological period innumerable meteorolites to the Moon on, melt manyancient rocks, and has formed very many ring-like sierras in the lunarterrain.
The planetoid dislodges the big pit in the lunar terrain
After some is huge, the black basin actually receives thegiant crater which the hit produces. These all are forms in the Moonearly time, the above covers the lava history approximately is 320million ~3.9 hundred million years. When Moon volcanic activity,mostly can produce the massive lava and spread to periphery. Thevolcanic eruption also can produce the orange settling and pure emerald the color Glass beads.
The Moon is slightly asymmetrical
Moon's volume structure somewhat is slightly asymmetrical,perhaps this is because it has come under the Earth gravitationinfluence in the evolutionary process. Moon's outer covering in Distal one relative is only then thicker. Is approaching an Earth side tohave the very many volcanos basin, moreover its mass concentrationmust Distal be much thicker than.
The Moon interior mass concentration certainly is not the evenassignment. Is opposite to its geometry center, the Moon qualitycenter must be partial to Earth several kilometer far.
Surface by rock fragment and dust cover
This is the so-called Moon regolith, in which may Interpretation theunique solar radiation the history. This also is we understands theEarth climatic change a important attribute.
The Moon regolith is produces in the geological period as a result ofthe innumerable meteorolites impact. In the superficial rock and theore all is full of the chemical element and the isotope which producesas a result of the solar radiation. According to this spot, the Moonthe integrity has already recorded 4 billion year solar history, butthis was not greatly possibly cannot find in other place.
Propulsion device: Saturn V rocket
Time: On July 16, 1969 - 24th
Crew member: Armstrong, Krensi, Austria happy Durling
The flight time is 8 days 3 hours, carries the person Moon toland for the first time the motion, walks for the first time in theMoon. "Body Si, the tranquil base reported that, the hawk descended."On July 20, 1969.
Descends the place: Jinghai.
Coordinates: North 0.71, east 23.63.
Spaced walk the time 2 hours 31 minutes, the tree gets up the flag,has placed the instrument, in Your Office set up a sign, the above hasbeen writing: "Human for the first time Moon Your Office , in July, 1969.We are bring meaning of the peace for universe to come." The lunarterrain walks the time for 21.6 hours, circles the lunar orbit to fly30 time. The lunar excursion module rise stage cabin has kept thelunar orbit, altogether has gathered 20 kilograms matter.
Armstrong treads when the lunar terrain said speech: "Although said toindividual, that only is small step; But said to the humanity that,actually is a huge leap."