标题: 激光是什么样的光? [打印本页] 作者: sowang 时间: 2009-8-8 01:14 标题: 激光是什么样的光? 激光的最初中文名叫做“镭射”、“莱塞”,是它的英文名称LASER的音译,是取自英文Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation的各单词的头一个字母组成的缩写词。意思是“受激辐射的光放大”。激光的英文全名已完全表达了制造激光的主要过程。1964年按照我国著名科学家钱学森建议将“光受激发射”改称“激光”。
激光是20世纪以来,继原子能、计算机、半导体之后,人类的又一重大发明。它的原理早在 1917 年已被著名的物理学家爱因斯坦发现,但要直到 1958 年激光才被首次成功制造。激光是在有理论准备和生产实践 迫切需要的背景下应运而生的,它一问世,就获得了异乎寻常的飞快发展,激光的发展不仅使古老的光学科学和光学技术获得了新生,而且导致整个一门新兴产业的 出现。激光可使人们有效地利用前所未有的先进方法和手段,去获得空前的效益和成果,从而促进了生产力的发展。
In physics, a laser is a device that emits light through a specific mechanism for which the term laser is an acronym: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. This is a combined quantum-mechanical and thermodynamical process discussed in more detail below. As a light source, a laser can have various properties, depending on the purpose for which it is designed. A typical laser emits light in a narrow, low divergence beam and with a well-defined wavelength (corresponding to a particular color if the laser is operating in the visible spectrum). This is in contrast to a light source such as the incandescent light bulb, which emits into a large solid angle and over a wide spectrum of wavelength. These properties can be summarized in the term coherence.
A laser consists of a gain medium inside an optical cavity, with a means to supply energy to the gain medium. The gain medium is a material (gas, liquid, solid or free electrons) with appropriate optical properties. In its simplest form, a cavity consists of two mirrors arranged such that light bounces back and forth, each time passing through the gain medium. Typically, one of the two mirrors, the output coupler, is partially transparent. The output laser beam is emitted through this mirror.
Light of a specific wavelength that passes through the gain medium is amplified (increases in power); the surrounding mirrors ensure that most of the light makes many passes through the gain medium. Part of the light that is between the mirrors (i.e., is in the cavity) passes through the partially transparent mirror and appears as a beam of light. The process of supplying the energy required for the amplification is called pumping and the energy is typically supplied as an electrical current or as light at a different wavelength. In the latter case, the light source can be a flash lamp or another laser. Most practical lasers contain additional elements that affect properties such as the wavelength of the emitted light and the shape of the beam.
The first working laser was demonstrated in May 1960 by Theodore Maiman at Hughes Research Laboratories. Nowadays, lasers have become a multi-billion dollar industry. The most widespread use of lasers is in optical storage devices such as compact disc and dvd players, in which the laser (a few millimeters in size) scans the surface of the disc. Other common applications of lasers are bar code readers and laser pointers. In industry, lasers are used for cutting steel and other metals and for inscribing patterns (such as the letters on computer keyboards). Lasers are also commonly used in various fields in science, especially spectroscopy, typically because of their well-defined wavelength or short pulse duration in the case of pulsed lasers. Lasers are also used for military and medical applications.