Here’s an overview of some of the most useful Google search tricks, frombasic tips to new features just recently released。
1.Use quotes to search for an exact phrase
This one’s a well-known, simple trick: searching a phrase in quotes willyield only pages with the same words in the same order as what’s in the quotes。
2.Use an asterisk within quotes to specify unknownor variable words
Here’s a lesser known trick: searching a phrase in quotes with an asteriskreplacing a word will search all variations of that phrase. It’s helpful ifyou’re trying to determine a song from its lyrics, but you couldn’t make outthe entire phrase (e.g. “imagine all the * living for today”), or if you’retrying to find all forms of an expression (e.g. “* is thicker than water”)。
3.Use the minus sign to eliminateresults containing certain words
You’ll want to eliminate results with certain words if you’re trying tosearch for a term that’s generating a lot of results that aren’t of interest toyou. Figure out what terms you’re not interested in (e.g. jaguar -car) andre-run the search。
Think of the “site:” function as a Google search that searches only aparticular website. If you want to see every time mentioned Google,use the search “Google”。
5.Search news archives going back to the mid-1880s
Google News has an option to search over 100 years’ worth of archived news fromnewspapers around the world。
6.Compare foods using “vs”
Can’t decide between a burger or pizza for dinner? Type in “rice vs.quinoa,” for example, and you’ll receive side-by-side comparisons of thenutritional facts。
If you search your favorite food, and then click “Search Tools” rightunder the search bar, you’ll be able to filter recipes based on ingredients,cook time and calories。
8.Use “DEFINE:” to learn the meaning ofwords—slang included
Streamline the dictionary process by using, for example, “DEFINE: mortgage。”For words that appear in the dictionary, you’ll be able to see etymology and agraph of its use over time alongside the definition. Google will even sift theweb to define slang words or acronyms. Try out “DEFINE: bae” or “DEFINE: SMH”。
Ever come across a photo that looks strangely familiar? Or if you want toknow where it came from? If you save the image, and then search it on GoogleImages (with the camera button), you’ll be able to see similar images on theweb。