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原作: 曹溪   2002-10-15 17:36:39





在GOOGLE中以“Lennon Jesus than”做关键词,搜索所有网站。很容易检索到1966年3月4日约翰·列侬接受伦敦《Evening Standard》记者Maureen Cleave采访时说过“We're more popular than Jesus Christ now”

"Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me."

在http://www.beatlesagain.com/bapology.html网页中我们可以看到《Datebook》的封面,还可以听到列侬为此辩解的部分录音。搜索到这儿该终止了。可当我们返回GOOGLE的检索结果时,又发现了加引号的“The Beatles are bigger than Jesus”,这是不是列侬的原话呢?我们在网页http://www.guardian.co.uk/thebeatles/page/0,11302,607848,00.html提供的披头士大事年表里,查到了如下说法:

March 4, 1966
The London Evening Standard publishes an interview with John Lennon in which he claims that the Beatles are "bigger than Jesus".

为准确起见,需要找到那篇访谈的原文。用“Lennon Jesus London Evening Standard Cleave”再检索一下。在网页http://www.angelfire.com/ia/beatlesfans2/articles/beatlelive.html中我们找到了访谈全文。没有找到“bigger than Jesus”

那么“bigger than Jesus”到底出自哪里呢?以“Lennon bigger than Jesus”为关键词,再检索。还是不能证实“bigger than Jesus”出自列侬之口,大概是以讹传讹。Let it Be,就这样吧。


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